The new Land Law of Cantabria has passed its procedure in the parliamentary commission this Wednesday after approving the incorporation of 60% of the amendments presented -some after agreeing on transactions- but maintaining the vote against the PP to the changes on the regulation of housing Detached house isolated on rustic land.Hernando and Cobo have defended the willingness of their groups to agreeThe PP, in today's session, has materialized with its 'no' the rejection that it had already announced to any type of exchange with respect to the current regulation on housing on rural land, including the last one agreed a few days ago by the PRC, PSOE and Cs to allow rural development areas in municipalities with between 5,000 and 10,000 inhabitants as long as they were in nuclei that currently do not exceed 250 houses.Vox, like the popular ones, have also voted against.Therefore, and if there are no last-minute changes, the law will arrive on Monday, June 27, for debate in plenary without reaching consensus and, therefore, with many possibilities of being approved without the agreement of the main opposition group. .The PP insists that the current regulation of single-family homes on rustic land be maintained, which is regulated in article 86 of this law, and insists that this is a red line to support this rule.The 'popular' assure that, in this matter, they have not moved from their site regarding the regulation that they promoted and approved in 2012 with the support of the PRC and have reproached the regionalists for having modified their position, thinking, in their trial, not for the benefit of the Cantabrians or the municipalities but to remain "embraced" to the government pact with the PSOE.In fact, the PP deputy, Roberto Media, has recalled that the maintenance of the current regulation is an electoral commitment of his party and has announced that if they do not succeed in shielding it now, they will do so when they reach the Government, as he said, after the elections of May 2023, an affirmation before which the regionalists have urged him to wait to see what the citizens vote then.Meanwhile, the groups that support the Executive in the Chamber, and also opposition formations such as Cs have criticized this attitude of the 'popular' and have urged him to "rethink" his position until Monday and try to get the law approved in the plenary by consensus, reminding him that in a negotiation all the parties must yield.The PRC spokesman, Pedro Hernando, believes that the PP has not had the capacity to "transfer" in the negotiation on the regulation of housing on rural land, something that, in his opinion, the PRC and PSOE have shown with the proposed modifications to the initial text through different amendments and compromises to try to bring positions closer together and also to assume some approaches that their mayors have transferred to them, and this - the regionalist has said - while the 'popular' "have not moved".Along similar lines, the PSOE spokesperson, Noelia Cobo, believes that what the PP is proposing is not "consensus", but rather "imposition", and has pointed out that what is sought with the new regulation of housing on rural land is the development of peoples but in a "sustainable" and "orderly" way.Hernando and Cobo have defended the willingness of their groups to agree, something that, in their opinion, shows that, of the 269 amendments presented, 159 have been approved, almost 60%.Of these, 130 have been accepted without any type of variation and the remaining 29 have been agreed through transactional.PRC and PSOE have defended that the new Land Law that is going to be approved on Monday supposes "progress in many questions" with respect to what was, for example, in terms of administrative streamlining in the management of proposals, "conjugating" this with legal certainty.For Hernando, it will be a "good" law, "of the 21st century" and that enjoys a "very important" political and social "consensus."Meanwhile, the PP considers it a "step back" and a "21-year setback in time.""It's throwing away Mr. Hernando's iPhone and staying in Mr. Revilla's Nokia," Media pointed out after the regionalist spokesman showed him two mobile phones from different eras to try to show the change that the new law meant.Media has pointed out that this law "looks like a chestnut egg" to the one that the PP would have wanted, but has indicated that his party was willing to accept some of the questions that it raises so that it came out by consensus, but not what It has to do with single-family housing on rustic land.The PP deputy has announced that his party "will continue touring Cantabria" to explain the "setback" that the new Law that is going to be approved entails, especially in what has to do with housing on rural land.Cantabria online news newspaper